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Former Spartanburg, SC Teacher Sentenced to Prison on Child Pornography Charges

Teacher Arrested on Child Pornography Charges, Pleads Guilty

A former teacher from Spartanburg has been sentenced to over three years in prison on child pornography charges.

On Tuesday, October 16th, 57-year-old Mark Anthony Soza was sentenced by the US Attorney’s Office in South Carolina to 40 months in prison.

The Department of Homeland Security investigated the case as part of Project Safe Child, which is a nationwide effort to crack down on exploitation of children and child pornography online. Soza was discovered because he had multiple transactions with a child pornography operation that the DHS was investigating. In February, Soza confessed to purchasing multiple images and videos, which were on his computer, and in April, he pleaded guilty to child pornography charges in court.

Analysis from the DHS revealed the images and videos on Soza’s computer, of minors (people under the age of 18) engaging in sexual acts.

Child Pornography Did Not Involve Students

Soza was a teacher at Woodruff Middle School, in the school’s computer math lab. He also worked at Woodruff Elementary from 2003 to 2011. He resigned from his position at the elementary school in August 2011 amid allegations that child pornography was on his computer.

Spartanburg County School District 4 officials said that there was no indication that any of Soza’s students were involved in the case.

Child Pornography Charges in South Carolina

Have you been given a child pornography charge? Child Pornography Charges are very serious. Many people don’t know this, but getting charged with these type of charges can ruin both your personal and professional reputation. If this has happened to you, if you’ve been accused of possessing or distributing child pornography, you ‘ll need an attorney who will take your side, guide you through the legal system, and fight to protect your rights.

Some of most common child pornography charges include:

  • Distribution of child pornography
  • Production of child pornography
  • Use of child pornography
  • Possession of child pornography
  • Sex with a minor
  • Sexual assault

All computers have IP address that can be used to identify whether you have accessed child pornography from your computer. Also, you could get caught with child pornography if you have child pornography on your hard drive and have your computer repaired by a technician.

A child pornography lawyer will many times seek out the services of a computer forensics expert to help with a person’s defense. They do this because the burden of proof lies with the prosecution. At that point, the prosecution has to prove that it was the accused individual that actually viewed or downloaded the child pornography that was found on the individual’s computer. Having a computer forensics expert may be of invaluable assistance in cases such as these.

Criminal Charges, Including Child Pornography Charges, Are Serious in South Carolina

At the Strom Law Firm, we understand that dealing with criminal charges can be frightening.  That is why it is important to understand what hiring a Columbia, SC Criminal Defense lawyer can do for your case and your future.  Our criminal defense attorneys understand the process you are going through, and we are happy to sit down with you face-to-face to explain that process.  We also work diligently to protect your rights.  We have several experienced attorneys who practice criminal defense.  The initial consultation is always confidential and free, so do not dwell on your current situation trying to sort through things you do not fully understand.

Our attorneys have years of experience helping people deal with criminal charges, including child pornography charges.  Do not put your future in jeopardy.  Hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney to defend your case can mean the difference between a clean record and a bright, successful future and spending time behind bars.  Our attorneys will work hard to assure that you receive the representation you need to adequately protect your rights.

Whether you are charged with owning or distributing child pornography, drug crimes, DUI, assault, or other crimes, the attorneys at the Strom Law Firm can help. We are based in Columbia, South Carolina, and are licensed to practice across the state, as well as in Georgia and New York. We offer free, confidential consultations, so contact us today. 803.252.4800.



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