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Hepatitis A Outbreak Numbers Fluctuate

CDC Revises Criteria for Hepatitis A Outbreak Numbers

On June 4th, Townsend Farms recalled their Organic Anti-Oxidant Berry Blend, but by the next day, 79 cases of Hepatitis A related to consumption of the berries had been reported.

By June 25th, that number had reached 122, 54 of whom were in the hospital, across 8 states.

However, the previous week, on June 21st, the CDC released a statement that the number of Hepatitis A infections would only include confirmed cases. That rolled the number of Hepatitis A cases back from 118 to 113 at the time.

Although several people have been hospitalized, so far, there have been no deaths related to the Hepatitis A outbreak.

The berry mix was recalled from both Harris Teeter and Costco, who sold the blend. Currently, all Hepatitis A cases have been linked to the Costco mix.

The current per-state count is: Arizona (17), California (62), Colorado (25), Hawaii (5), New Mexico (5), Nevada (5), Utah (2), and Wisconsin (1). The ages of infected victims range from 2 to 84 years old, but most of the cases are in people between 40 and 64 years old.

The recalled product was distributed to Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Washington state; however, so far, there have been no reported Hepatitis A infections from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, or Washington state.

More Lawsuits Against Manufacturer for Hepatitis A Outbreak

In mid-June, three lawsuits had been filed against Townsend Farms for personal injury related to contracting Hepatitis A from the berry blend. More lawsuits have been filed since then.

A couple from Boise, Idaho filed a personal injury lawsuit on June 10th. Michael and Marisa Berndt purchased the berries from Costco in May. Although neither contracted Hepatitis A, they were caused an undue amount of stress when they learned about the Hepatitis A outbreak in June. The couple is expecting a baby, and went to their doctor for Hepatitis A vaccinations as a precaution.

“The amount of money that people have spent to avoid the development of symptoms, many people have missed work as a result of that,” the couple’s lawyer said. “There is the worry and the fear of developing an illness like Hepatitis A…all of those things that need to be addressed and things that Townsend Farms is liable for as a result of the contamination.”

On Friday, June 14th, a Northern California man filed a personal injury lawsuit against the manufacturer after he contracted Hepatitis A. Reportedly, Diego Durrell purchased the berry blend in April, and began to see the symptoms of Hepatitis A on May 5th. By May 15th, he was hospitalized and spent two nights in the intensive care unit. Although he was discharged on May 18th, he is still sick with Hepatitis A, and receives medical treatment for the ongoing illness.

A Nevada resident filed a lawsuit against Townsend Farms in mid-June on behalf of all Nevada residents who had to get Hepatitis A vaccinations after consuming the berry blend, or who had to get testing for Hepatitis A. Thomas Fiore’s lawsuit alleges that each plaintiff should receive compensation for the preventative medical care they were forced to seek out after news of the outbreak broke.

Finally, on June 19th, a man from Burbank, California filed a personal injury lawsuit against Townsend Farms. Greg Patterson allegedly purchased the berries from Costco, and consumed them, then came down with Hepatitis A symptoms in the first week of May. When he went to a doctor a few weeks later, he tested positive for Hepatitis A. He has missed a month of work, has lost 20 pounds, and is still receiving medical treatment, including blood tests.

The Strom Law Firm Protects Citizens Harmed by Defective Products, Including from the Hepatitis A Outbreak

The attorneys at the Strom Law Firm keep a close watch on recalls of dangerous and defective products in the US. We aim to protect our clients’ health and safety, and hold manufacturers to the highest possible standard of safety. Product recalls are especially important because defective drugs, medical devices, food, and toys can seriously injure or even kill consumers. If you or a loved one have experienced severe, life-limiting side effects from a defective product or drug, such as contracting Hepatitis A from Townsend Family Farm’s berries, and believe that your pain stems from a product recall that came too late, you may be entitled to compensation. The Strom Law Firm can help. We offer free, confidential consultations to discuss the facts of your case, so contact us today. 803.252.4800



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