More Plaintiffs Join Marijuana Edibles Class Action

More Plaintiffs Join Class Action for Unintended Marijuana Edibles at Fair

marijuana ediblesIn August, Denver hosted a marijuana fair, as Colorado is one of two states with legalized recreational marijuana use. Marijuana edibles manufacturer LivWell set up a tent in the “Pot Pavilion” at the Denver County Fair and offered some of the edible chocolate samples which allegedly did not have marijuana infused in them. Unfortunately, the vendor got the wrong chocolate samples, and many patrons of the booth became ill from a high dose of marijuana. Some of those customers filed a class action lawsuit against the company for their unintended marijuana edibles ingestion.

Now, six additional plaintiffs have come forward to join the class action lawsuit against the marijuana edibles company.

“This civil action is for personal injuries arising from the defendants’ negligent distribution of marijuana-infused chocolate bars under the guise that they contained no Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal psychoactive constituent (or cannabinoid) of the cannabis plant,” the lawsuit states.

The original plaintiff, Jordan Coombs, filed the class action lawsuit on August 3rd, after he ate several pieces of LivWell’s Full Melt chocolate, which should not have had marijuana inside. Within minutes, Coombs said, he began to feel nauseous and started vomiting. He went to the hospital because he did not know that he had ingested a large amount of marijuana.

Another plaintiff, Kari Mitchell, who also became sick due to ingesting marijuana, said she asked the vendor multiple times if the samples had marijuana in them, and the LivWell vendor repeatedly told her no.

“I was sweaty. I was nauseous. I was panicking,” said Richard Jones, who had to be hospitalized after eating a LivWell sample. Jones thought he was having a stroke, and on-site EMTs attended to his marijuana-related illness.

The six new plaintiffs – Adam Carr, Jerelyn Jayme, Gregory Lindfors, Kari Michelle Mitchell, Brian Ruden and Haillee Passow – all said they had similar experiences at the Denver marijuana fair, and two said that at the hospital, they tested positive for THC overdose.

According to the fair’s website, “in compliance with Denver’s new laws, there will be no marijuana allowed on the premises.” Denver police received three reports at the time of the fair that patrons had unintentionally ingested marijuana.

The Strom Law Firm Advocates for Consumer Protection Through Class Action Lawsuits

class action is a procedural device to collect individuals’ claims that are suffering harm.  When a case is awarded class action status, it means that an individual or small group of plaintiffs will act as representatives for others who have suffered injuries similar to theirs because of actions by the same defendant.

When a case is classified as a class action, it does not rule on the merits of an action.  It expands the scope of who is bound by a later decision on the scope of the issues at hand.

The class action lawyers at the Strom Law Firm enjoy a distinct statewide and national reputation for excellence in the area of consumer protection litigation and class action lawsuits. Contact the attorneys at the Strom Law Firm today for a free, confidential consultation to discuss the facts of your potential class action lawsuit. 803.252.4800



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