Holograms Could Be the Future of Political Fundraising

During COVID19, Why not  Holograms instead of the Candidate?

Political fundraisers could soon be looking to the great politicians of the past and the exciting technology of the future to take political fundraising to another level.

The recent appearance of Tupac Shakur in hologram form at a Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg concert at a music festival Coachella this year, shocked fans and the video of the long-dead rapper on stage became a global phenomenon.

Bakari Sellars

Now, some are asking, what if this hologram craze made its way into politics?

A lesson in history might just be in the future.

Digital Domain Media Group, the company that brought Tupac back to life, is teaming up with the company that owns Elvis’s brand to produce a series of virtual Elvis replicas for several entertainment projects.

But never mind dead rock sensations. Imagine the possibilities if Republican Candidate could bring Ronald Reagan up on stage with them using a hologram. Those too young to ever have seen him in person would flood political rallies just to get a glimpse of the spectacle.

What if Democrats could resurrect John F. Kennedy? Old speeches could be revived, and the photo opportunities would be priceless.

The entire process, according to New Scientist, is based on a 19th-century magic trick, Pepper’s ghost, that makes virtual images appear live on a stage.

Numerous articles quote the Tupac hologram’s cost to be between $100,000 and $400,000, not a huge expense in the political campaign arena.

For now, one live politician on the stage will have to do. But the future may be changing for campaigns and politicians.

Surreal, but the possibilities are endless.

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 Strom Strategic Communication and Public Affairs is a wholly-owned affiliate of the Strom Law Firm. Strom Strategic Communication and Public Affairs group seeks to meet client needs at every touchpoint between our clients and all levels of government and the markets they serve by providing the best-in-class public policy, strategic planning, and communications resources they need to navigate a constantly evolving political, regulatory, and reputational risk landscape. Call us if we can help! 803-252-4800




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