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How to Fight Your DUI Arrest

Fighting Your DUI Arrest

The DUI Lawyers at the Strom Law Firm, LLC will investigate your DUI arrest to determine the best course of action. The best thing you can do is to give us a call today as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to obtain a more favorable outcome.

Was Your DUI Arrest Illegal?DUI arrest

Under South Carolina DUI law, the police officer must begin recording the stop as soon as the officer turns the blue lights on.  Prior to administering the breathalyzer test, the officer must have read the implied consent notice, and state the consequences of a refusal to submit to a blood, urine or breath test.  

Field Sobriety Tests (FSTs) must also be properly administered.  FSTs are not pass/fail tests, but rather clues that assist the officer in determining whether or not you are too impaired to safely operate a motor vehicle. The field sobriety tests are explained in further detail below.

Fighting Your DUI Arrest

The Prosecution must prove that there was reasonable suspicion to pull you over. For example, the officer cannot pull you over unless he saw you driving recklessly, speeding, or swerving over the yellow line, running a ride light, etc. The prosecution must show that you were materially and appreciably impaired. This is the core issue and the biggest challenge in South Carolina DUI law.

Consequences of DUI Arrests

Actual DUI penalties are based on several factors including the charge, BAC level, FST results, whether minors were involved, and whether there was an accident or any damage. Possible penalties based on the above factors include:

  • A suspended or restricted license
  • Mandatory jail time or imprisonment
  • Ignition interlock device
  • SR-22 insurance
  • Fines ranging from $400 to $10,000
  • Community service
  • Felony conviction
  • Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program (ADSAP)

Call Today for a Free Consultation With Our DUI Lawyers

A DUI conviction can alter the rest of your life, impacting potential, future employment, insurance rates, and your reputation among your peers.  A DUI charge is a serious offense which requires a strategic, aggressive, well-planned defense.  It is imperative that you do not wait until you have jeopardized your rights to contact an attorney.  We know the law. Let us put our experience to work for you.  803.252.4800



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