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AndroGel Testosterone Therapy Lawsuits Might Consolidate

Motion Filed to Consolidate AndroGel Testosterone Therapy Lawsuits

On March 28th, plaintiffs filed a motion to consolidate all lawsuits against AndroGel, manufactured by AbbVie Inc and Abbott Laboratories, into one multidistrict litigation (MDL).

The motion requested that the AndroGel testosterone therapy lawsuits be consolidated in the US District Court of Illinois. Plaintiffs requested the motion because they believe thousands of similar lawsuits involving injuries or medical conditions related to testosterone therapy and AndroGel specifically could be filed in the future.

On February 5th, five men filed lawsuits in Chicago alleging AndroGel testosterone therapy caused heart problems and that the company failed to warn consumers and doctors about the drug’s dangers.

The AndroGel lawsuits were filed on behalf of Michael Gallagher, of Midlothian Virginia; Steven Myers, of Fort Worth, Texas; Steve Marino, of Saint Louis, Missouri; and Kenneth Aurecchia, of Johnston, Rhode Island. The men range from 50 to 63, and deny any previous history of cardiac problems. Gallagher, Myers, and Aurecchia said they suffered heart attacks, and Marino suffered a stroke. A fifth unnamed plaintiff suffered a mini-stroke.

The men’s lawsuits claim that Abbott and AbbVie, the manufacturers of AndroGel, “deceived potential AndroGel users by relaying positive information through the press, including testimonials from retired professional athletes” and statistics suggesting a widespread need for the drugs, “while downplaying known adverse and serious health risks.”

Abbott marketed AndroGel directly to consumers between 2010 and 2012. This direct-to-consumer marketing was referred to in the complaints as “disease mongering,” luring potential consumers in by making vague claims about low energy and “grumpiness” being related to low testosterone levels.

The FDA approved AndroGel specifically for low testosterone levels related to hypogonadism, but not related to age. However, some recent studies have shown that doctors often fail to test their patients for low testosterone levels and go directly to prescribing testosterone therapies like AndroGel.

There are currently 38 lawsuits against AndroGel across the country, alleging that the testosterone therapy caused life-threatening heart conditions and clotting problems in older men who were prescribed the drug. The majority of the lawsuits have been filed in Illinois, which led to the motion requesting consolidation in the state. Other testosterone therapy lawsuits have been filed in California and Pennsylvania.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a statement on Friday, January 31st, that the agency will investigate reported risks for heart attack and stroke associated with testosterone therapy. The FDA alleges, however, that it approved testosterone therapies like AndroGel for specific low-T issues like hypogonadism, and that it did not approve the drug for age-related “low-T” issues like sexual performance problems.

The Strom Law Firm Can Help with Dangerous Drug Cases, Including Testosterone Therapy and Supplements like AndroGel

Strom Law Firm, L.L.C. is a leader in the consumer protection battle against dangerous prescription drugs and medical devices, from AndroGel to Zoloft. We represent individuals who have been killed or injured by dangerous or defective pharmaceuticalsIf you or a family member have been injured or killed after using a dangerous drugs or medical products such as testosterone therapy or supplements, contact our dangerous drug lawyers as soon as possible so that we can begin taking steps to preserve evidence and your claim immediately. We offer free consultations to discuss the facts of your case. 803.252.4800



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