Parents put trust in their child’s educational institution to teach valuable lessons, and protect them from harm. Learning that the adults you trusted instead allowed your child to become the victim of horrific sexual harm is a parents’ worst nightmare. For the parents of two high school students, this nightmare has become reality, as horrifying accounts / allegations of sexual and physical abuse at the hands of a Cape Fear Christian Academy authority figure have recently come to light. If your child has witnessed or suffered sexual abuse, or corporal harm while at the school, we ask that you reach out to us immediately. We want to help those who have become victims, and stop the creation of future victims.
Two Minors Sexually Abused by a Trusted School Official
According to recent accounts, two male student athletes have accused Tammy Moran of sexual abuse during times they were living in her home. At the time, Moran, 45, was the school’s Chief Financial Officer, and she and her husband also offered to house student athletes. Each of the victims who have come forward has alleged that the sexual abuse occurred while they were minors and living in the Moran household. Tammy Moran has been charged with three counts of sexual acts by a substitute parent.
We Need Your Help
Young victims are often ashamed and believe they are alone, and perhaps even to blame, for an adult’s choice to abuse them. Sexual predators who target children often count on their victims to remain silent so they can continue to abuse others.
Why Victims Are Sometimes Silent
Many victims feel embarrassment, shame, and a sense of guilt over the abuse so they keep silent. Sexual predators often use their authority to silence their victims with fear and lies. By intimidating their young victims, authority figures are often able to evade justice.
Call us immediately at 1-866-900-7078 if you have any information about possible sexual and/or physical abuse at Cape Fear Christian Academy. If your child was a victim of abuse, you may be eligible for substantial compensation . Contact us today. Help us discover and hold responsible anyone who abused or failed to protect these children.