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Car Accident on Interstate 26

In the rural areas between major cities, interstates are usually a safe and efficient way to travel. However, when interstates intersect with large cities, they invariably become larger and more dangerous. 

For those leaving or entering Columbia, South Carolina, especially during rush hour, Interstate 26 can become particularly dangerous. In a single stretch of 3.5 miles of I-26 that runs through Seven Oaks, there are four major exits and interchanges. It is this particular stretch that makes I-26 notorious for car accidents

What Makes Interstates Dangerous in Cities?

By their very definition, interstates generally connect two or more states together. They also are conveniently placed to intersect with major cities. When an interstate such as I-26 comes into a city, the amount of traffic increases, and rush hour only compounds this problem. 

The second biggest issue with interstates inside of cities is exits that may be close together. For people merging from one highway onto an interstate such as I-26, then exiting onto another highway in a short period of time, this may require multiple high-speed lane changes in heavy traffic–this is a recipe for disaster.

Lastly, a major factor in accidents on interstates is people from out of town who are unfamiliar with the structure of the various interchanges and exits. Fortunately, our experienced Columbia car accident lawyers are standing by to help you recover physically and financially, should you be injured in an accident on I-26.

High Speeds, Serious Injuries

For the luckiest among us, a collision on the highway is simply two cars rubbing together and trading a bit of paint. It’s still terrifying, but in the end, it’s just a small insurance claim. Sadly, for many people, accidents on I-26 at high speed are often life-altering affairs. 

Studies have shown time and again that speed is a major factor in the seriousness of injuries. Interstate speed limits are some of the fastest in America, and many people regularly exceed them. 

According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), one in three accidents cited speed as a contributing factor. However, for many people, using a dangerous interstate is a necessary and normal part of their commute to and from work every day. 

Accidents on the Interstate Can Be More Complex

Because of high speed and crowded traffic conditions, traffic accidents on an interstate like I-26 can involve multiple vehicles. Often, a single collision between two cars can set off a chain reaction. This can mean multiple vehicle impacts in a matter of seconds. In bad weather, accidents involving twenty or more vehicles are not uncommon. 

Untangling who is ultimately at fault for initiating the accident can be a nightmare, and determining secondary fault for the other motorists can take weeks. Even finding out about local car accidents and obtaining information on what happened can be challenging.

In these complicated scenarios, the negotiations between insurance companies can be intense, as each company is motivated to pay out as little as possible and argue that their insured driver wasn’t the one at fault. This extends the claims process, and makes it even more difficult to recover monetary damages. 

Let Strom Law Untangle Your Accident and Injury Claim

If you’ve been involved in an accident on I-26 and are unsure of what needs to be done, the first thing you should do is reach out to one of our experienced car accident and personal injury attorneys. 

Since 1996, Strom Law has been helping people rebuild their lives after auto accidents. The first thing we’ll do is reach out to the police and all other parties involved and conduct extensive interviews and evidence-gathering to determine exactly who is at fault.

Next, we’ll contact your hospital to obtain copies of your medical records as proof of any injuries and outstanding bills you may have. For people afflicted with life-changing injuries, payouts can be substantial, often into the six and seven-figure range, depending on the circumstances. 

Being in an auto accident is a traumatic affair, and the last thing you should have to do is spend your time on the phone with multiple insurance companies and medical providers trying to make sense of all the bills. Our licensed car accident lawyers are standing by to help you in your search for justice and compensation.



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