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Class-Action Status Awarded to Defective Stucco Cases

Defective Stucco Lawsuit

Preliminary class-action status has been granted by a judge in defective stucco case affecting homes in Sun City Hilton Head.

Judge J. Michael Baxley, who issued the order, stated  that defective stucco work was done on as many as 4,000 homes in Hilton Head. Judge Baxley issued the order in hopes of preventing similar cases from clogging the court system. There are currently 140 stucco cases now pending.

The state Supreme Court ruled in 2010 that the initial case filed by Anthony and Barbara Grazia could proceed as a class-action suit. This ruling overturned a previous lower court ruling.

Defendants in this class-action case include a plastering company, the community’s developer, a home builder, and an architect.

The class-action is not final. Under South Carolina law, the defendants have a chance to offer repairs, money, or some other solution to mend the problem.

Defective Stucco Lawyers

The attorneys at Strom Law Firm, LLC understand the complexities surrounding class action lawsuits. Contact our law firm today for a free review of the facts of your case.

Class Action cases we have handled include:

  • a case against the managed care industry on behalf of physicians for systematically undercutting physician claims for payment for seeing patients;
  •  race-based life insurance cases against life insurance companies for charging African Americans higher rates for industrial life insurance;
  • consumer cases included suing finance companies for adding credit life insurance on to consumer loans;
  • a predatory lending case against the title loan industry;
  • a predatory lending case against the mortgage industry for systematically steering clients into subprime lending

Our Columbia, South Carolina class action lawyers litigated breach of warranty cases involving defective washing machines, electrical receptacles, and pharmaceutical products.

Founded in 1996 by former United States Attorney and assistant solicitor, Pete Strom, the Strom Law Firm, LLC aggressively pursues class action cases. The class action lawyers at the Strom Law Firm enjoy a distinct statewide and national reputation for excellence in the area of consumer protection litigation and class action lawsuits.  Call us today for a free consultation to discuss your legal rights.



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