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DUI Penalties

South Carolina DUI Penalties by Offense

If you are over 21 and you are convicted of DUI, your blood alcohol level (BAC) will be used to dictate the severity of your sentence for each type of offense (first DUI offense, second DUI offense, etc.).  Keep in mind that the fines set forth below will more than double when you add in court costs and fees.

Penalties for First DUI Offense:

Contact us for help reducing or fighting the following DUI penalties. Legal consequences are listed by ascending blood alcohol levels.

If your BAC is between .08% and .09%:

  • Jail sentences for a first DUI can range from 48 hours to a maximum 30 days, although community service can be given in lieu of jail time.
  • Fines can range up to $400, plus court costs and fees.
  • You will additionally lose your driver’s license for six months.

If your BAC is between .10% and .15%:

  • Jail sentences for first DUI charges can range from 72 hours to a maximum 30 days, although community service can be given in lieu of jail time.
  • Fines can range up to $500, plus court costs and fees.
  • You will additionally lose your driver’s license for six months.
Click here to find out what the punishment is if your BAC is more than .15%
By: Pete Strom, South Carolina DUI Lawyer



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