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Law Requirements for Straightening

There are stringent legal requirements for manufacturers and beauty brands to disclose dangerous chemicals used within their products. If you suspect that a hair product used for straightening has caused harm or contributed to the diagnosis of a serious medical condition, you may be eligible to launch a hair relaxer lawsuit to claim compensation.

With a growing body of research proving that relaxers cause fibroids, fertility issues, and cancers, there is significant evidence that many brands have breached their consumer protection responsibilities.

Brazilian Blowouts and Cancer: A Case Study

Many women have used hair relaxers and straightening products for decades. One of the most popular salon procedures is a Brazilian blowout–a hair-drying technique using chemical straighteners to relax and smooth hair for several weeks.

The owner of this brand, GIB LLC, had consistently denied the use of carcinogenic formaldehyde in the product but was found to be untruthful. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigators determined that the product had a formaldehyde concentration of 8.7% to 10.4%. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) considers anything above 0.1% hazardous.

Newer batches are produced with warning labels stating that the toxic chemical can cause irritation, burns, and potentially cancer. However, this outcome is concerning for thousands of people who have been using the treatment for several years and may not have been aware that their chemical relaxant was a contributory factor in a cancer diagnosis or other medical conditions such as fibroids, which commonly cause infertility.

Recorded short-term side effects, such as blurred vision, coughing, and chest pain, may be indications that the toxins have had a serious impact, where regular exposure by salon workers and clients increases the possible severity.

Other side effects can relate to medical conditions in men, with chemicals such as phthalates known to increase the risk of testicular cancers by damaging hormone function and DNA. While the majority of claimants are women, any salon worker may have suffered due to exposure.

The Legal Regulations for Cancer-Causing Chemicals in Hair Products

Companies that produce, market, or sell beauty products anywhere in the U.S. must comply with FDA regulations around labeling, safety, and consumer health. These rules were updated in 2014, specifically targeting hair relaxer manufacturers.

One of the crucial pieces of legislation states that advertising or selling a cosmetic product with harmful or poisonous substances is prohibited. Some businesses have side-stepped these requirements with salon or at-home hair products by removing chemicals from product labels or disputing their existence; others have failed to update product labeling, and whether deliberate or inadvertent, any product sold without an appropriate warning breaches the law.

The FDA does not test and approve every cosmetic product. Until now, consumers may have not been aware that hair relaxers and straighteners contain dangerous toxins, in some cases deliberately concealed. An increasing volume of successful prosecutions, fines, penalties, and lawsuit outcomes have demonstrated that manufacturers have failed to provide adequate warnings and are legally liable for the damage caused. How to File a Lawsuit Against a Hair Relaxer Manufacturer

Consumers, salon professionals, and others who have experienced a medical diagnosis, long-term condition, or cancer may be eligible to file a lawsuit, claiming compensation to assist with medical treatments and therapies. If you have received hair relaxer treatments, or purchased products, and been diagnosed with any of the below conditions, there may be a viable legal case:

  • Uterine cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Endometriosis

Establishing product liability requires thorough research and documentation to evidence your history of hair treatments and the brands associated to determine which manufacturer or manufacturers are liable. Claimants may be able to seek reparations for emotional distress, pain and suffering, lost wages, and medical costs, with many courts awarding punitive damages in light of the lack of care taken to protect consumers from chemical harm.

Our skilled personal injury lawyers are available for immediate consultation, with the experienced Strom Law team providing advice, support, and confidential guidance to ensure you achieve the outcome you deserve. Please get in touch at any time if you believe your health may have been affected by toxic hair straightening chemicals, and we will recommend the best action plan to move forward.



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