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Federal Judge Approves NFL Concussion Lawsuit Settlement

NFL Concussion Lawsuit Settlement Approved by Federal Judge

In January of this year, US District Judge Anita B. Brody rejected the proposed NFL’s concussion lawsuit settlement – which was an offer of $765 million – citing that she did not believe the league was offering enough to help retired players who suffered the side effects of concussions and traumatic brain injuries sustained during their tenure as professional football players.

Now, Judge Brody has agreed to the most recent settlement offer from the NFL, which involves uncapping funds to allow injured and disabled players access to unlimited financial assistance if they suffer injuries related to numerous concussions or a traumatic brain injury that they received while working professionally for the NFL.

“A class action settlement that offers prompt relief is superior to the likely alternative – years of expensive, difficult, and uncertain litigation, with no assurance of recovery, while retired players’ physical and mental conditions continue to deteriorate,” Brody wrote.

The NFL concussion lawsuit settlement is designed to last at least 65 years, which would cover the current crop of professional football players as well as the retired players.

“This is an extraordinary settlement for retired NFL players and their families – from those who suffer with neuro-cognitive illnesses today, to those who are currently healthy but fear they may develop symptoms decades into the future,” plaintiffs’ attorneys Sol Weiss and Christopher Seeger said in a statement.

The 20,000 players and their beneficiaries can now vote on the NFL concussion lawsuit settlement. A group of seven retired players have already submitted an objection to the settlement offer, due to limitations on which concussion injuries would be covered, and claims that the NFL would actually pay less despite the fact that the league “uncapped” funds.

“The revised settlement is a great deal – for the NFL and class counsel,” who will receive $112.5 million in attorneys’ fees, the players’ motion said. “It is a lousy deal for the retired players, whose rights have been bargained away without adequate or independent representation.”

The 47-page objection was filed in the US District Court of Philadelphia on Wednesday, July 2nd, and focuses on the NFL Concussion lawsuit settlement’s limits on chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) compensation, as well as a 75% reduction in payments to former players who suffered a concussion, traumatic brain injury, or stroke unrelated to game play. The objection also shows that the proposed concussion lawsuit settlement is “false or misleading” because it does not indicate that players diagnosed with CTE or traumatic brain injury after the settlement’s approval are not eligible to receive funds related to the concussion lawsuit.

However, most players seem to support the NFL concussion lawsuit settlement.

“We have received overwhelming support from the retired player community as they learn more about the guaranteed benefits and long-term security this settlement provides, and we look forward to soon finalizing this agreement,” Seeger and Weiss said.

The Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys at the Strom Law Firm

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury due to a concussion after an automobile accident or injury from a defective product, it is not too late to get help. The attorneys at the Strom Law Firm offer free consultations to discuss the incident that led to traumatic brain injury and determine if you have a personal injury case. Contact us today. 803.252.4800.



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