Philadelphia Court Establishes Xarelto Mass Tort

Philadelphia Court Establishes Xarelto Mass Tort Docket

Xarelto Mass TortAfter several people have filed personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits against Janssen Pharmaceuticals for their dangerous blood thinner, Xarelto, a judge in Philadelphia Claims Court has established a Xarelto mass tort docket.

According to the court order issued on Wednesday, January 21st, by Administrative Judge Kevin Dougherty, about 75 plaintiffs allege that Xarelto caused uncontrollable bleeding, which was sometimes fatal, and these cases will be transferred to the court’s Complex Litigation Center.

“The creation of a mass tort program benefits the Court system and the parties by eliminating duplicative discovery, inconsistent rulings and promoting the efficient prosecution and resolutions of similar cases,” said an attorney for the plaintiffs in the Xarelto case.

“The defendants (Bayer and Janssen) have strong ties to Pennsylvania making this an appropriate and convenient forum.”

However, Janssen has issued a statement regarding the Xarelto mass tort, defending the drug’s position as an important alternative to warfarin.

“We will defend against the claims raised in this litigation,” the statement says. “Xarelto is an important anticoagulant used to treat and reduce the risk of life-threatening blood clots. After more than three years on the U.S. market, to date, the benefit-risk profile of Xarelto remains favorable and consistent with clinical trials. All anticoagulants, or blood thinners, carry the risk of bleeding, and the prescribing information for Xarelto has always warned of these risks. Blood thinners are important and potentially life-saving medicines that should be taken by patients as prescribed should not be discontinued without a discussion with a physician.”

Xarelto was approved by the FDA in 2011. In the first 3 months of 2012, the blood thinner’s popularity sky-rocketed – around 130,000 prescriptions were written for Xarelto in the US alone. However, some doctors began expressing concern about Xarelto – not only because there is no known antidote, but because, unlike warfarin, the drug has no routine anticoagulant screening to help monitor patients’ safety and prevent internal bleeding or blood clots.

So far, over 1,000 patients have contacted the FDA and complained that taking Xarelto caused serious adverse events, including uncontrollable bleeding episodes and strokes. The FDA knows of at least 65 deaths caused by the dangerous side effects of Xarelto.

Many of the plaintiffs, whose lawsuits have been transferred to the Philadelphia Xareltomass tort, also claim that a major danger of Xarelto is the lack of antidote. In patients taking warfarin as a blood thinner, bleeding events can be stopped with high doses of Vitamin K – with Xarelto, there is currently no known way to stop adverse bleeding events.

The Strom Law Firm Fights for Patients Injured by Dangerous Drugs Like Xarelto

Did you or a loved one experience any of the following injuries when taking Xarelto?

  • Bleeding;
  • uncontrollable internal bleeding;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • bruising;
  • stroke;
  • internal or external bleeding with hospitalization;
  • or death

The South Carolina Xarelto Personal Injury Attorneys at The Strom Law Firm, LLC are at the forefront of the fight to protect the public and will stand up for your rights against the big drug and insurance companies. We will fight to ensure that you and your loved ones receive the justice you deserve.  Contact our personal injury and wrongful death attorneys at the Strom Law Firm, LLC today for a free consultation to discuss the facts of your case as well as your legal rights. 803.252.4800



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