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Sign the Don’t Drink and Drive Pledge

Strom Law Firm and WIS TV team up to encourage people to sign the Don’t Drink and Drive Pledge this Summer.shutterstock_563063056

The Strom Law Firm and WIS News are teaming up for a summer-long campaign to bring awareness to the dangers of drinking and driving, called the Don’t Drink and Drive Campaign. Both the news station and our firm hope to educate drivers about the potential dangers of DUI, whether it causes a traffic accident or an accidental death.

The state of South Carolina has the 3rd highest rate of DUI-related accidents and deaths in the country. In 2012 alone, 360 people were killed in accidents caused by drunk drivers. Many of the DUI casualties were children, with 2.8 underage deaths per 100,000 people – the 6th highest rate in the US. Despite ranking high for DUI-related accidents, South Carolina ranked 20th for DUI-related arrests, with 17,906 in 2012.

Memorial Day marks the beginning of the 100 Deadliest Days of summer – a time when vacationers drive and party while they are out of school or taking time off work. Because of the high levels of traffic and revelry, there are more vehicle accidents and DUIs between Memorial Day and Labor Day than any other time of year.

As more people throw parties on boats or near water, boating while intoxicated is also a growing problem. Last summer, a man was arrested for BUI after he ran into another vessel on Lake Murray. Not only was he charged for boating under the influence, he faced five manslaughter charges for the deaths of the passengers in his and the other boat. His trial concluded this year, 2014, and he is going to jail.

In response to these statistics, South Carolina law enforcement is cracking down on DUI. So far, officers have arrested 71 people on DUI charges in Charleston alone. They have also arrested 119 in Berkeley County for DUI, and 115 in Dorchester County.

Sr. Trooper Hannah Wimberly with the SC Highway Patrol says “Normally someone on a Friday night doesn’t ride by themselves… there is usually 2-3 people in the car, if you kill all 3 people, you are looking at up to 75 years in prison.”

In South Carolina, you can be also charged with driving under the influence of drugs.  If you are charged with driving while under the influence of drugs, it does not matter if these drugs were legally prescribed to you, over-the counter drugs or medication, or illicit drugs. A DUID charge involving illicit drugs may have other criminal drug charges attached.

The Strom Law Firm Champions the Don’t Drink and Drive Campaign

We are proud to partner with WIS for the summer long Don’t Drink and Drive Campaign. Both WIS and our firm hope to educate drivers about the potential dangers of DUI, and prevent needless DUI accidents and deaths.

As you attend summer parties and cook outs, we ask that you keep an eye out for friends and family who become intoxicated, and prevent them from driving. Encourage them to take a taxi or public transit. You can also help by volunteering to be a designated driver. Remember, even a little alcohol can intoxicate you and it’s not worth the risk of a DUI charge, or even worse a DUI related accident! If you’ve been involved in a DUI Accident please contact the Strom Law South Carolina Accident Attorneys.

Don’t Drink and Drive, Stay Alive! Sign the pledge today! Right now, those who sign the pledge will automatically be entered to win a $100 Visa Gift Card, as well as a care package worth $50. Follow this link and pledge



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