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South Carolina Businesswoman Invited to Join the Augusta Nationals

South Carolina financier Darla Moore, along with former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, have become the first women admitted into Georgia’s Augusta Nationals golf club — home of the Master’s Golf Tournament.

The private club has been notorious in recent years because it has, until recently, been all-male and did not allow its first black member until 1990. Martha Burk, a leader in the National Council of Women’s Organizations, conducted a protest across the street from Augusta Nationals in 2003. She has been critical of the organization’s stance on female members but applauds the decision this year.

“These accomplished women share our passion for the game of golf and both are well known and respected by our membership,” said Billy Payne, chairman of the Augusta Nationals and the Masters. “It will be a proud moment when we present Condoleezza and Darla their green jackets when the club opens this fall.”Sexual Abuse Lawyer SC

Darla Moore got her degree in political science in a short three years at the University of South Carolina, then earned her MBA at George Washington University. Her career started at Chemical Bank in New York, focused on bankruptcy. The South Carolina native has become one of the highest-paid women in business and has donated a significant amount of money to the University of South Carolina’s business school, which has been renamed in her honor. She also donated $5 million to USC for a new aerospace program, although she was removed from USC’s board of directors last year by Governor Nikki Haley.

Moore and Rice have both graciously accepted the invitation.

It is important for associations like the Augusta Nationals to take steps toward diversity. Legally, businesses are not allowed to discriminate against employees for race, gender, or disability, but private clubs are still allowed some legal loopholes. If you believe you are being discriminated against, especially at work, the lawyers at the Strom Law Firm can help. We offer free consultations, so contact us today. 803.252.4800.



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