Syngenta Corn Lawsuit: Helping South Carolina Corn Farmers

SyngentaCornLawsuitCorn Lawsuit Seeks Damages for Lost Profits to Corn Farmers

Corn Farmers in South Carolina and beyond work hours on end to protect their corn crops and ensure that the crop produced maintains its integrity for the end consumer. Corn farming in the US is big business. The United States produces more corn than anyone else in the world.  In fact, nearly 80 million of acres of land is devoted to corn production. While some corn is sold here in the United States, a major percentage of US corn production is exported.  China is a major player in US corn export, ranking third in the US corn export market.

While water and climate are known risks which may impact corn production, most corn farmers may not even consider that chemicals placed upon corn by a neighboring farm or even someone across the United States may cause their harvest to be rejected when harvests are combined and processed for export. Unfortunately, Syngenta MIR 162 caused this to happen.

Syngenta is a business focused upon researching, developing, and selling genetically engineered corn. Syngenta developed Agrisure, a genetically engineered seed to protect against insects, be tolerant to herbicides, and allow for water optimization. While these seeds are approved for us in the US, China, a major importer of US corn does not allow even trace amounts of MIR 162.  Syngenta MIR162, a genetically modified seed approved for use in the United States, caused large amounts of corn shipments to be rejected in China.

A number of publicly filed lawsuits allege that in November 2013,  Chinese regulatory authorities detected traces of MIR162 in corn shipments received from the United States.  Given that MIR162 is not approved in China, massive amounts of corn have been rejected. Farmers in South Carolina and beyond have suffered as a result of the rejection of these shipments, resulting in financial damages including lost profits.  These corn farmers may be eligible to file a corn lawsuit and recover monetary damages.

A number of farmers in South Carolina and beyond may have grown, harvested, and sold non-MIR162 corn on a commercial basis, or received revenue from non-MIR162 corn under a crop-share arrangement at some point between November 2013 and today.  These lawsuits allege that Syngenta misinformed farmers, exporters, and the general public about the potential approval of MIR162 in China.  They further allege that Syngenta led farmers to believe that approval in China was imminent and that China’s failure to approve MIR162 would not impact corn farmers in South Carolina and beyond.  This rejection has led to a corn lawsuit.

Syngenta Corn Lawsuit

Corn farmers in South Carolina and beyond who grew, harvested, and sold non MIR-162 corn on a commercial basis, or if you received revenue from non-MIR 162 corn under a crop-share arrangement from November 2013 to now, you may be eligible to participate in a class action seeking to recover compensation for lost profits.  If you or a corn farmer you know sold or received revenue from non-MIR 162 corn, please call the attorneys at the Strom Law Firm, LLC for a free consultation.  Do not wait until it’s too late.  Contact us today.  803.252.4800



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