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EPA Bans Sale of Imprelis, DuPont Pesticide

One week after DuPont stated the company would stop selling its popular weed chemical, Imprelis, the Environmental Protection Agency officially banned the sale of the pesticide.

The ban came after thousands of tree deaths in treated lawns and golf courses were reported over the last few months.

The investigation is ongoing, and it is not clear if the pesticide will ever be allowed back on the market DuPont faces lawsuits from affected property owners.

If you or someone you love used Imprelis, you may be entitled to compensation.  Call the Defective Product Lawyers at the Strom Law Firm today for a free case evaluation. 803.252.4800

Homeowners and golf course owners across the nation have reported “catastrophic” tree losses in areas treated with DuPont’s Imprelis.

As a result, a Pennsylvania homeowner and an Indiana golf course company filed a class action lawsuit against DuPont in the company’s home state of Delaware.

Imprelis is a new product, but it was used extensively by landscapers across the country.  DuPont claimed it was a safe herbicide, but they could not have been farther from the truth.

By:  South Carolina Defective Products Attorney Pete Strom




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