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Video Poker is Back in South Carolina

South Carolina Attorneys Fighting Video Poker

After a relatively quiet ten years since the State of South Carolina banned video poker, Strom Law Firm has learned that many convenience stores, bars, and restaurants are operating video poker machines for the purpose of illegal gambling.

Strom Law Firm was one of the first law firms to bring suits against the video poker industry in the late 1990s seeking to recover gambling losses.   Since that time, Strom Law Firm has litigated a couple of video poker cases, including a case against a local Columbia restaurant.

In that case, the Court concluded that operating video poker machines for gambling constituted a violation of the South Carolina Unfair Trade Practices Act.

With the new influx of video gaming machines comes substantial gambling losses to South Carolina citizens.  South Carolina has several laws in place to protect gamblers and their families from the financial ruin that their gambling addiction can cause.

South Carolina allows a person to sue for gambling losses from within the last 90 days.

A family or relative may file suit anytime within one year from the time the money is lost gambling.  If you or a family member has lost money in video poker within the last year, you may have legal rights and should contact a lawyer immediately.  The South Carolina Gambling Losses Attorneys at the Strom Law Firm, LLC offer a free consulation to discuss the facts of your case.  To have a lawyer evaluate your case, please call 1-888-490-2847 or complete the electronic inquiry to the right of this article.



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