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Transvaginal Mesh Victim Wins Suit Against Manufacturer

Transvaginal Mesh Victim Wins Suit Against ManufacturerChristine Scott, in her bellweather suit against medical device manufacturer C.R. Bard, won a clear victory for transvaginal mesh victims across the globe.

Scott and her husband were awarded $5.5 million for personal damages, including the loss of their love life. The case has been in litigation for four years. This is the first time in the country that a couple has won such a large settlement against a medical device manufacturer. The court stated very clearly that they believed the device was unsafe, and that C.R. Bard knew the product was unsafe.

Says Elaine Houghton, Scott’s attorney, “They tested this on 16 rats, 12 rabbits, four sheep and, by their own researcher’s admission, the next living being this product went into was women.”

Transvaginal mesh is a device used to help women with pelvic organ prolapsed and stress urinary incontinence. However, rather than helping to support the pelvic organs, TVM devices instead have caused organ damage and require several surgeries to remove. Even then, as in Scott’s case, they sometimes cannot be removed safely. Hundreds of lawsuits have been brought against C.R. Bard , and the cases have been consolidated in West Virginia, in the court of Chief Judge Joseph R. Goodwin.

If you or a loved one have received transvaginal mesh implant surgery and are now suffering pain, urinary incontinence, infection, and organ failure, please contact the experienced injury lawyers at Strom Law, LLC. We offer free consultations to help you on the road to recovery, and we accept cases nationwide.



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