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DUI Crackdown for Labor Day

SC will crack down on DUI this Labor Day

The South Carolina Department of Public Safety has announced that, as part of their fight against drivers under the influence, state and local law enforcement agencies will be conducting a sustained enforcement and public education outreach effort as the Labor Day holiday weekend approaches. The increased DUI enforcement effort will run until September 4.

Almost half of SC’s fatalities are DUI related and the SCDPS is encouraging people to contact them by dialing *47 if they see an impaired driver.  Last year, nearly 29,000 DUI arrests were made.

In addition to pulling more people suspected of DUI, the SCDPS is also going to be putting up billboards and posters with pictures of people who have been killed in DUI related accidents along with the new *47 number. The hope is that publicizing consequences will encourage people to make sure they are sober enough to drive — on average, there is one death a day for DUI related accidents.  Nationally, one person dies every hour.

They will also be airing a series of TV commercials.

This is part of the “Sober or Slammer!” campaign, which is partnered with other states and national highway safety events.

South Carolina DUI Lawyers

If you are facing DUI charges in South Carolina, it is important that you contact a South Carolina DUI lawyer. The South Carolina DUI lawyers at the Strom Law Firm will challenge field sobriety testing techniques, as well as, investigate breathalyzers and other evidence surrounding your DUI arrest. You may think not hiring a lawyer and pleading guilty is your best option; however, this may not be the case. Even a guilty plea can lead to lasting consequences like license suspension and hefty fines. You may face repercussions for your DUI conviction from your employer. Do not risk your financial and emotional well-being. Contact a South Carolina DUI lawyer at the Strom Law Firm today for a free case evaluation. 803.252.4800.



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