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Chilean Miner Rescue Attempt a Success

Like many of you worldwide, I sat in amazement as I watched the live footage of the rescue of the 33 Chilean miners imprisoned for 69 days a half of a mile underground in the San Jose mine.  Amazingly, of the 33 workers rescued, only one worker reportedly showed signs of a serious illness. 

While their rescue is truly a miracle, the harsh reality is that this accident should never have happened. Chile is the worlds top copper producer and a leading gold producer, and reportedly has some of the world’s most advanced mining operations.  Despite the reported advancements, according to AOL news, the company that owns the mine, San Esteban, and the National Mining and Geology Service have been criticized for allegedly failing to comply with regulations.  Inexcusable given that these regulations were put in place to protect innocent workers. In fact, in 2007, an explosion at the San Jose mine killed three workers.

Incidents like this one, and the recent  BP Gulf Oil Spill which leaked more than 200 million gallons of oil in the Gulf of Mexico and killed 11 people, call attention to the antiquated systems in place for dealing with catastrophies resulting from defective and dangerous products.   Reportedly, a federal panel reviewing the oil spill crisis are expected to recommend sweeping regulatory changes for the offshore oil industry.

We need to take a hard look when dangerous and defective products result in injury and senseless death, require companies to have adequate contingency plans in place in the event of a catastrophic accident, and hold them accountable when they fall short.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured or died as a result of a defective product, contact the Strom Law Firm, LLC today for a free consultation to discuss the facts of your case.



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