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Former SC Lawmaker Indicted on Burglary Charges

Former State Rep Faces Indictment for Burglary Charges, After shutterstock_448208740Indictment for Stalking and Harassment Charges

Former state representative Thad Viers faces a new indictment for criminal charges related to his ex-girlfriend.

Viers was initially indicted after his ex-girlfriend claimed that he was stalking and harassing her – she repeatedly asked him to leave her alone, but even five months after they broke up, he continued to show up at her house and her workplace.

Now, Viers faces burglary charges. Specifically, he is being indicted for first-degree burglary and petit larceny.

As with the previous charges, which were leveled last year, Viers claims innocence.

The indictment for burglary charges will not be processed by the 15th Circuit, which covers Viers’ home in Horry County, but will instead be processed through the 4th Judicial Circuit, due to a conflict of interest with the 15th Circuit. Few details have been revealed about why, but it appears that Viers’ ex-girlfriend works for the 15th Circuit.

History of Problems with Ex-Girlfriend Which Led to Burglary Charges

The first indictment against Viers came in January 2012 – just over a year ago – for stalking and harassment. He was arrested because his ex-girlfriend told police that Viers continued to call, text, and email her, as well as show up at her house, for five months after they broke up. She repeatedly asked him to stop and he would not listen to her.

Viers referred to the situation as a “politically motivated matter over a few love letters.” The woman claims she was reluctant to press charges because she did not want to hurt his political career.

According to Viers, the two dated for four years, and broke up after she refused his marriage proposal. In December 2011, a detective asked Viers to stop contacting the woman. In March 2012, Viers was arrested for continuing to harass his ex-girlfriend.

She added that in March, she arrived home one day and the front door was broken. She told police that she noticed that some items had been moved around, and a few items were missing, including a cell phone, a computer, and a 9 mm handgun.

Viers initially stated that he would not resign from the House of Representatives, but finally did after his arrest in March of last year. He was also forced to give up a congressional bid.

“My client maintains his innocence on these charges as well as the previous charges,” said Dylan Goff, the Columbia-based attorney representing Viers. “I haven’t seen all of the evidence the state claims to have, but I look forward to seeing that evidence and I look forward to my client being vindicated.”

The new burglary and petit larceny charges are part of an on-going investigation into the incident between Viers and his ex-girlfriend.

The Strom Law Firm Defends Against Burglary Charges in South Carolina

In the United States, burglary is prosecuted either as a felony or as a misdemeanor. The crime involves trespassing, theft, and sometimes vandalism. In South Carolina specifically, second-degree burglary charges involve breaking into a building or dwelling with the intent to commit a crime. Second-degree burglary charges often involve weapons, but not necessarily. Regardless, second-degree burglary is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than fifteen years, and the defendant should be eligible for parole after serving at least 1/3 of the sentence.

If you or a loved one have received burglary charges, or other criminal charges, in South Carolina, the attorneys at the Strom Law Firm can help. We offer free, confidential consultations, so do not hesitate to contact us. 803.252.4800



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