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Iowa Chiropractor’s Business License Revoked Due to Sex Charges

Chiropractor’s Business License Revoked Due to Sex Charges, Exorcisms at Practice

chiropractor’s business licenseA man working as a chiropractor in Southern Iowa has had his chiropractor’s business license revoked due to exchanging sexual favors with clients, performing exorcisms, telling his patients to stop taking medication prescribed by other doctors, and other practices outside the scope of his business.

Charles Manuel, of Lamoni, Iowa, admitted to the professional business license review board that he traded sexual favors for chiropractic services. He also admitted to performing exorcisms for some patients, and giving medical advice to others, which was outside of the definition of the chiropractic’s business license. In fact, he told some of his patients to stop taking medications which had been prescribed by other doctors.

Manuel signed an agreement with the chiropractic professional licensing board last month that he would not reapply for his chiropractor’s license for 10 years, and he would only be eligible after a decade if he could prove that “any circumstances surrounding the revocation of his license no longer exist” and that “it is in the public interest for the license to be reinstated.”

A woman at his former practice said he had not worked there “for some time,” suggesting he went even further away from the specific requirements of his chiropractor’s business license. The address listed for his home on Yelp was found to be a home address.

Business License and Disciplinary Hearings with the Chiropractor’s Board in South Carolina

If you are licensed to practice chiropractic medicine in South Carolina, you worked hard to receive your education and get your business license. You also work hard to keep it, and you may be worried that one complaint from a patient can result in a disciplinary hearing with the professional licensing board. Fortunately, even if you do face a disciplinary hearing, you still have rights according to your chiropractor’s license. Your license will not be automatically revoked, even if you feel like your professional reputation has been hurt.

A Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine licensed in South Carolina may be subject to discipline and/or denied a South Carolina license if he/she is accused of engaging unprofessional, unethical or illegal conduct to include, but not be limited to:

  • practicing outside of the scope of Chiropractic medicine;
  • fraud or deceit in an application for license or while taking an examination;
  • making misleading, deceptive, untrue or fraudulent representations or communications in the practice of chiropractic medicine;
  • unprofessional conduct, gross incompetence, negligence or misconduct in the practice of chiropractic medicine;
  • disobeying a rule or order issued by the Board;
  • practicing with a suspended or lapsed license;
  • pleading guilty to a crime and/or receiving a criminal conviction;
  • having a license to practice chiropractic medicine suspended, revoked or refused or receiving disciplinary actions by another Chiropractic board;
  • practicing under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
  • knowingly aiding, assisting, procuring or advising any unlicensed person to practice chiropractic medicine;
  • immoral or unprofessional conduct;
  • submitting a false claim for reimbursement;
  • engaging in dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct likely to deceive or harm the public; and
  • being deemed mentally incompetent.

The Strom Law Firm Can Help You Defend Charges Against Your Chiropractor’s Business License in SC

If you face a disciplinary hearing or threats to have your business license revoked as a chiropractor in South Carolina, you do not have to face these charges alone. The South Carolina professional and business license attorneys at the Strom Law Firm offer a free, confidential consultation to discuss the incident and see how we can help. Contact us today. 803.252.4800



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