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The Corporate Whistleblower Center Urges Transvaginal Mesh “Insiders” To Come Forward

Transvaginal Mesh has caused thousands of women pain and suffering
Transvaginal Mesh has caused thousands of women pain and suffering

According to a recent press release, the Corporate Whistleblower Center urges people worked for transvaginal mesh manufacturers, or physicians who have used transvaginal mesh, to come forward if they know anything about the devices’ failure rates.

The CWC is urging these two groups to come forward with specific knowledge about transvaginal mesh. If people have worked with a transvaginal mesh manufacturer – such as C.R. Bard, Boston Scientific, or Johnson & Johnson/Ethicon – and have specific knowledge that the manufacturers concealed the failure rate of transvaginal mesh products, these people are now being urged to step forward and blow the whistle on these harmful devices.

In addition, the CWC is looking for physicians who have meaningful proof that transvaginal mesh manufacturers continued to sell these defective devices after significant proof was brought forth that the devices failed at a high rate and caused great harm to patients with the implants.

In their press release, the Corporate Whistle Blower Center says, “We are convinced the over billing of Medicare on defective tranvaginal mesh products could be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. The New York Times is saying in 2010 alone 185,000 US citizens underwent what was supposed to be a minimally invasive surgical procedure involving a transvaginal mesh product. That was in just one year. Some of the complications related to transvaginal mesh failures include erosion. Erosion in this instance involves the transvaginal mesh poking through the vaginal wall, and the companies continued to sell these types of products? We are certain there are e-mails, or documents from physicians, or medical device makers that will prove the companies knew, and we want to help whistleblowers step forward.” 

The CWC urges transvaginal mesh whistleblowers to contact them, but the Strom Law Firm can also help with transvaginal mesh cases. We are accepting personal injury cases nationwide against transvaginal mesh manufacturers, and we offer free, confidential consultations to discuss the facts of your case. Contact us today. 803.252.4800.



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