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What Makes a Good Criminal Defense Attorney?

Criminal acts, whether intended or unintended, can have serious consequences, including life imprisonment. If you find yourself facing a criminal charge, the first thing you need to do is to find a reliable criminal defense lawyer in South Carolina.

How to Evaluate Prospective Attorneys

Although a lawyer has to go to school to learn all aspects of the law, there are other critical considerations you need to take into account to determine their suitability for your case.

Here are the most important qualities of a good criminal defense lawyer you should look for when you’re hiring one in South Carolina:

Familiarity with Criminal Law

Your criminal defense attorney should have extensive knowledge of the laws in South Carolina. They need to evaluate your case and determine how the law applies to your situation.

Your attorney should evaluate the facts of your case and interpret them under the applicable laws. They should also be aware of how the different judges, prosecutors, and juries in the jurisdiction where you have been charged apply the law in their local practices.

In sum, their knowledge of the law and familiarity with local judges should allow them to give you a rough idea of what to expect when representing you in court or during settlement negotiations. 

Preparation Skills

When a case goes to court, any lawyer is as good as their ability to be prepared for the proceedings. It doesn’t matter which law school your lawyer went to–their success in the courtroom depends on how well-prepared and familiar they are with the details of your situation.

Make sure that the attorney you hire knows how to prepare facts and evidence for effective presentation. They have to gather their evidence instead of only relying on the police and private investigators for evidence.

If there is another party involved, a criminal defense attorney can contact a victim to get more information. Your attorney can serve as your investigator, especially if they believe there is more to the case than what’s being presented by the investigators.

They will contact the alleged victim and ask them important questions that will bring out more facts about the case. This will help them gather any useful information that the investigators may have missed. 

Communication Skills

A good criminal defense attorney must be a good communicator. You risk losing the case if you select an attorney who doesn’t have the presentation skills to explain the facts in a simple, clear, concise, and logical manner before the judge.

Your attorney should be able to argue your case convincingly without sounding arrogant. Remember, your attorney is your mouthpiece inside the courtroom–whatever they say will either vindicate or incriminate you.

They must be able to leverage their voice and other communication tools to gain sympathy from those in the court. As much as the judge and jury will rely on the facts presented before them to make a ruling, they’ll also be influenced by how those facts are presented.

Cost-Efficiency and Trustworthiness

Unless your criminal attorney offers you their legal services on a pro bono basis, you have to pay them. Ask about their fee structure before you hire them to avoid any misunderstandings in the future. A good lawyer should be forthright about their charges and be willing to negotiate with you for a manageable fee.

Reach Out to Strom Law

If you find yourself facing criminal charges, don’t panic. Reach out to the professionals at Strom Law for a free consultation. We will be able to fully explain the credentials of our lawyers and discuss possible strategies for defending you against the charges that have been filed against you!

Wondering if criminal defense attorney fees are tax deductible? Don’t miss our latest post!




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