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Train Accident Kills 2 Teens in Kentucky

Lack of Barriers Could Have Contributed to Deadly Kentucky Train Accident

train accidentA train accident in Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday, March 14th, killed two teenagers and seriously injured the other two teenagers in the vehicle.

According to witness reports, and a video taken by one bystander, a car tried to speed across the tracks just in front of an oncoming train, which was blaring its horn to warn those nearby not to cross the tracks. The vehicle did not make it across, and was struck by the train.

Anthony Collman, a former CSX train conductor who loves to watch trains as a hobby, was filming the train as it came through the crossing, and captured the vehicle’s attempt to dart in front of the oncoming train.

“All I heard was metal and glass breaking and the bumper flying off on the other side. And I’ll be honest, if that may have went on the other side, I may not be standing here today,” he said.

Although there are lights at the crossing, and the train’s conductor was trying to prevent accidents by blaring the train’s horn, there were reportedly no barriers that raise and lower as trains approach the intersection. The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but the lack of barriers could have contributed to this train accident  at that scene.

“Preliminary investigation revealed a white Toyota was attempting to cross and apparently disregarded the traffic control signs and was struck,” law enforcement said in a statement.

“People may be rushing or hurry for some reason, maybe for job or whatever. So without gate or something, it’s difficult to find out if train is coming,” said said Krishna Dhakal, a Nepali translator with JCPS. The area is home to a large Bhutanese community, and the train accident victims were teenage residents.

“I think Frankfort needs to take a look at this crossing. I think whoever the representative of this area should be contacted,” Collman said. “It could’ve prevented it.”

South Carolina Train Accidents Can Sometimes Be Prevented

Charleston, South Carolina is a major port, so there are a large number of a railroad crossings all over the state because goods flow back and forth all the time. However, it is important for railroad companies to maintain proper safety at their crossings, and ensure conductors are trained to warn as many drivers and pedestrians as possible that a train is on its way.

Crossing signals are the most important way to ensure vehicles and people do not dart in front of the oncoming train. Train accidents occur all too frequently because warning signals like lights, bells, and barriers are obstructed, nonfunctional, or nonexistent.

Train accidents in South Carolina may occur due to a number of factors:

  • Crossings that are obstructed by vegetation or other objects
  • Limited visibility on the part of drivers or train operators
  • The negligent actions of train operators, such as approaching crossings without their lights on and horn sounding
  • Unsafe train conditions, including machinery or train parts sticking out, over-sized loads, and crossings that rely only on signs or lights and do not have working safety arms

Without proper signals, a driver or pedestrian could assume they have enough time to cross, but fall into the path of an oncoming train and become injured or die.

The Strom Law Firm Seeks Justice on behalf of South Carolina Train Accidents

If you or a loved one have been seriously injured or killed due to a train accident, you could face scrutiny and criticism because many people assume that you made the mistake. However, train accidents can be caused by a variety of factors, and you may not be at fault. If you believe improper signals or poorly maintained train tracks caused the train accident, you could have a personal injury or wrongful death case. Contact the South Carolina train accident attorneys at the Strom Law Firm for a free, confidential case evaluation today. 803.252.4800



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