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Actions To Take Against Nursing Home Abuse

There are many ways in which nursing homes can be held responsible for injuring others as a result of their negligence, abuse, exploitation, false imprisonment, or violations of criminal statutes, as well as violations of regulations pertaining to their licensing, maintenance, and general operation. We represent elderly clients and families who have been victims of:

  • Physical, emotional, and psychological abuse and neglect
  • Medication and prescription errors
  • Inappropriate use of physical or chemical restraints
  • Bedsores, pressure sores, decubitus ulcers, and infections
  • Dehydration and malnutrition
  • Falls, dislocations and fractures
  • Inadequate staffing, training, and negligent supervision claims
  • Financial abuse and exploitation

Our investigators and nursing home abuse attorneys will move quickly and discretely to uncover and preserve critical evidence and vigorously pursue the maximum amount of compensation available under applicable laws. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation.

Actions To Take Against Nursing Home Abuse

Actions to Take to Prevent Nursing Home Abuse

  1. Evaluate the Long-Term Care Facility.

Watch for nursing homes, long-term caregivers, and assisted living facilities in South Carolina that place profits before patients. Review the following factors at least once a year (as management and facility operations change).

  • Is the staff qualified and adequately trained? Poorly trained staff is a big risk factor that leads to abuse, neglect, exploitation and even theft.
  • Does the facility investigate staff history violence or drug use? Ask for confirmation and notice of new hires.
  • Are there adequate numbers of staff employed at all times? Negligence can occur unintentionally by honest, professional caregivers because of their day-to-day situation. They cannot reasonably keep up with demands because the facility is not hiring appropriately.

2) Make routine contact

This way you can monitor your family member’s well-being. Phone, in-person or even e-mail and skype can help you stay in touch with the person’s condition.

  • Is your friend or family member isolated from outside contact or from other residents? Isolation adds to the risk of neglect or abuse.
  • Is the resident routinely asked about conditions at the facility? It’s well known that seniors are reluctant to report abuse out of embarrassment or fear. Or trying to not be a bother.

3)  Report suspicious conduct to South Carolina’s Adult Protective Services

Reporting suspicions of elder abuse is not an accusation. It’s a request for authorities to investigate the facility, and those actions could be preventing elder abuse. It is the first step to rule out or establish conditions for abuse or neglect. If Adult Protective Services have not found any violations, and you still suspect elder abuse, neglect or exploitation, consult a legal professional in nursing home abuse.

Actions to Take to Prevent Nursing Home Abuse



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