South Carolina Dental Malpractice Lawyers
The laws regarding dental malpractice will differ from state to state. If you suffered serious personal injuries as a result of negligent care or what you believe to be dental malpractice, give us a call today for a free case review. 803.252.4800
Dental Malpractice includes:
- Injuries caused by careless dental work or medical malpractice
- Failure to recognize or provide the standard of care for dangerous oral conditions
- Intention of the employee to cause harm upon the patient
Dental Malpractice Lawsuits
To be able to pursue a dental malpractice lawsuit, the dental care provider is must have engaged in some behavior that another dental professional would not have committed had they been in the same position. This act also must have caused direct serious injury.
A dental provider must obtain the patient’s consent for any procedure performed and then execute the standard of care. The care can never exceed that of what was originally agreed upon because the person has the last say in regards to the treatment that they undergo. If the dental provider fails to abide by this standard of care, the patient can file a dental malpractice claim.
Patients must realize that a dentist cannot guarantee satisfaction 100 % of the time. As a result, a lawsuit cannot be brought against a dental practice if the procedure was unsuccessful.
Dental Malpractice Cases
Legal action can only be brought if the dental professional breaches the standard of care and if the person sustains a serious injury as a result of that violation of care due to the professional’s carelessness, or mal intent.