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Will I have to go to court?

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Alexandra Benevento, Attorney at Law:
If you are the defendant in a criminal case, it’s likely that at some point you will need to appear in court for a hearing, for an appearance or other court proceeding. While many cases end up going to trial, many cases do not go to trial or are resolved before we get to trial.

Alexandra Benevento, Attorney at Law:
Some cases are resolved by participation in a diversion program by plea agreement or by outright dismissal. To the extent that we are able to minimize the number of times you have to take off of work to attend court, we will do that. However, there may be times your appearance is required in court, and when that happens, we will work with you to ensure that you are as prepared as possible to answer any questions the judge or prosecutor may have for you, and so that you know what to expect at every stage of the process.

Alexandra Benevento, Attorney at Law:
In the event that your appearance is required in court. I will be happy to meet with you ahead of time so that we can walk through the process, manage expectations, and answer any questions that you have. This way, you will feel prepared and hopefully a little bit calmer when walking into court so that there are no surprises, and so that you feel as prepared as possible.

Alexandra Benevento, Attorney at Law:
Our main goal is to ensure that all of our clients in criminal cases feel comfortable and confident that they are in the best possible hands.



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