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Man Arrested on Criminal Charges for Mailing Ricin to President, Senator

Suspect from Mississippi, Brought In on Criminal Charges, is Entertainer and Conspiracy Theorist


Authorities have arrested a suspect on criminal charges, for mailing ricin to President Obama and Senator Roger Wicker, R-Miss.

The suspect, a man from Mississippi named Paul Kevin Curtis, 45, was both a “super entertainer” and an avid conspiracy theorist. He was known in his home of Corinth, Mississippi for impersonating celebrities, including Prince, Elvis, and Hank Conway, Jr. Curtis frequently posted to a variety of social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube – both regarding his upcoming gigs and new costumes, and also about his belief that a huge government organ harvesting conspiracy took body parts from corpses.

Curtis was detained at his home in Corinth, Mississippi, and is currently being held at the Lafayette County Jail.

Criminal Charges and the Ricin-Laced Letters

On Tuesday, April 16th, a suspicious letter with a granular white powder was discovered in the congressional office of Senator Roger Wicker; on Wednesday, April 17th, a second letter, this time to President Barack Obama, was discovered. Other senators reported on Wednesday that they also received suspicious packages in the mail, so portions of two congressional offices were closed temporarily. However, the packages were found to be harmless.

Initial tests confirmed that the granular white powder found in the envelopes to the president and the senator were ricin, but the FBI cautions that additional analysis is underway, and results can take 24 to 48 hours to return.

The FBI reports that both letters said, “”To see a wrong and not expose it, is to become a silent partner to its continuance.” Both are signed, “I am KC and I approve this message,” wording that candidates traditionally use after campaign ads, and also wording that Curtis himself used frequently on social media.

Curtis, who went specifically by the name “Kevin Curtis” online, posted multiple times through various websites about a conspiracy he claims to have uncovered when he worked for a hospital between 1998 and 2000. He says that, while at the hospital, he “discovered a refrigerator full of dismembered body parts & organs wrapped in plastic in the morgue of the largest non-metropolitan health care organization in the United States of America.”

Curtis wrote repeatedly that his attempts to expose the conspiracy – including self-publishing a book called “Missing Pieces” – made him a target for police and government action. On April 16th, the following message, explaining his history, was posted to Facebook:

My mother wants me to SHUT UP. My brothers fear me. My sister hates me. My cousins have hostility towards me (they work in healthcare) I have lost most of my friends. I have spent more than $130,000.00 on legal fee’s in 13.5 yrs. They burned down my home, killed my dogs, my cat, my rabbit, blew up my 1966 Plymouth Valent. They destroyed my marriage, they distracted my career, they stalked, they trolled, they came in to my home, took my computers, had me arrested 22 times and guess what? I am still a thorn in their corrupt anals! I will remain here until Jesus Christ decides its time for me to go. (ur welcome and amen. 🙂

In one post, Curtis said that he sent letters to Wicker and other politicians. When his letters did not receive a reply, the silence bolstered his conspiracy theories. “I even ran into Roger Wicker several different times while performing at special banquets and fundraisers in northeast, Mississippi but he seemed very nervous while speaking with me and would make a fast exit to the door when I engaged in conversation…”

It is not known exactly what criminal charges Curtis faces, but he is expected to appear in federal court later on Thursday, April 18th.

Indictment for Criminal Charges in South Carolina

If you have been arrested on criminal charges, whether state or federal, the attorneys at the Strom Law Firm can help. We offer free, confidential consultations so you can discuss the facts of your case with impunity. Contact us today. 803.252.4800.



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