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Man Urinates on 11-year-old Girl During Flight to New York

Chaos erupted on JetBlue’s red-eye flight from Portland, Ore., to JFK yesterday when a drunken man allegedly urinated on a sleeping 11-year-old girl.

The little girl was on the flight with her sister and father and had been left alone for a few minutes while the others used the bathrooms.

This is when Robert Vietze, 18, staggered from the back of the plane and began urinating on the girl.

The girl’s father caught Vietze in the act and started screaming at him. Flight attendants separated the pair and removed Vietze to the back of the plane.

They attempted to clean up the mess with liquid soap from the bathrooms and tried to comfort the distressed girl.
Vietze told police he had consumed eight drinks and did not realize what he was doing.

Six cops met the plane at the gate when it landed and four took Vietze into custody.

He was issued a federal summons for indecent exposure and released.



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