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Types and Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Nursing Home Neglect

Sadly, nursing home neglect is not uncommon and should be a consideration for those with loved ones. Nursing home neglect can happen in even the most reputable nursing homes and care facilities and, unfortunately, should always be at the back of your mind.

Nursing Home Neglect can occur in various ways. Perhaps the most common form of nursing home neglect is emotional neglect, which can leave seniors feeling lonely and ignored. Nursing home staff are responsible for creating the environment of care in the facility, and if abuse is occurring, it is ultimately the responsibility of the staff. If your loved one is suffering from depression or anxiety, be wary of emotional neglect in the nursing home as a potential cause.

Another common type of nursing home neglect is medical neglect. When a patient is admitted into a nursing home, it is common for the facility to assume some medical responsibility for the patient. This may include administering medication, preventing bed sores, caring for common illnesses and cuts, and providing other medical assistance as appropriate. When nursing home staff is not providing these services, it is considered nursing home neglect. Common signs of medical neglect are bed sores, dangerous environmental hazards in the facility, cuts, or bruises. Be on the lookout for these signs to help prevent medical neglect.

Personal hygiene and basic needs neglect are also common, and result when the basic and everyday needs of patients are not accounted for. Patients often need help with day-to-day care, including laundry or bathing; these everyday personal hygiene requirements are a part of the care your loved one should receive. Other basic needs, including food, water, temperature control, and safety, should also be accounted for by the nursing home facility and should not be ignored. Be wary for warning signs such as environmental hazards, sudden weight loss, dehydration, and malnutrition.

Nursing homes are an essential aspect of our society, caring for the elderly and sick and providing essential services to ensure quality of life. However, we must keep a watchful eye on those caring for our loved ones and be vigilant for the warning signs of neglect and abuse.



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