Actos Bladder Cancer Lawsuit

Actos Lawsuit

The FDA has approved updated drug labels for Actos, the prescription medication used to treat Type 2 diabetes. The new description states that if a patient uses Actos for more than one year, it may cause bladder cancer.

Actos, manufactured by Takeda, has been under review by the Food and Drug Administration since September 2010. In June 2011, the FDA issued a warning for Actos; at the same time, drug regulators in France and Germany suspended the use of the drug.

Actos Lawyers

The Strom Law Firm is now accepting product liability and personal injury cases on behalf of patients who have developed bladder cancer after taking Actos. Call us today to schedule a free consultation to discuss an Actos Bladder Cancer Lawsuit. 803.252.4800

According to an article in Bloomberg News, all lawsuits filed in federal court against Actos for possible links to bladder cancer have been consolidated into the Western District of Louisiana.  The experienced Honorable Judge Rebecca Doherty will be presiding over this multi-district litigation.

Actos is the world’s most popular drug used to control blood sugar in adults with Type 2 diabetes.

There are several side effects associated with Actos.  You should seek medical attention if you experience:Actos Bladder Cancer Lawsuit

  • shortness of breath or trouble breathing,
  • chest pain,
  • extreme fatigue,
  • irregular heartbeat,
  • dilated neck veins,
  • swelling of face, fingers, feet, or lower legs,
  • decreased urine output, and
  • weight gain

Actos Lawsuit in South Carolina

It is believed that currently there are over 100 Actos lawsuits in federal courts, with dozens more expected to be filed. The panel which combined these defective drug lawsuits released a statement saying, “Centralization in the Western District of Louisiana will serve the convenience of the parties and witnesses and promote the just and efficient conduct of this litigation.”

Combining the cases has also allowed them to “assign the litigation to an experienced judge who sits in a district in which no other multi-district litigation is pending.”

Call our Actos Lawyers for a free consultation right now. 803.252.4800

Actos Bladder Cancer Lawsuit