Bumblebee Tuna Issues Product Recall Due to Loose Seals

Tuna Manufacturer Notices Loose Seals, Issues Product Recall Notice

BumbleBee and Chicken of the Sea recall tunaBumblebee Tuna issued a product recall notice because some cans may not be sealed tight enough to prevent contamination, according to the Food and Drug Administration.

Chicken of the Sea has also issued a product recall for the same concern.

In the case of Bumble Bee Foods, the company said: “The recall has been issued because the products do not meet the company’s standards for seal tightness. Loose seals or seams could result in product contami

nation by spoilage organisms or pathogens and lead to illness if consumed.”

In the case of Tri-Union Seafoods, the company which owns Chicken of the Sea, the company stated that: “The seams on the lids of the cans donot meet the standard for seam quality. Cans that do not meet seam standards could result in product contamination by spoilage organisms or by pathogens, which could lead to illness if consumed.”

So far, no reports of illness have been associated with either manufacturer, and the product recall notices have been voluntary for both Bumble Bee Foods and Tri-Union Seafoods.

“The health and safety of our consumers is paramount,” Shue Wing Chan, president of Tri-Union Seafoods, said in a statement. “As soon as we discovered the issue, we took immediate steps to issue this voluntary recall by alerting our customers who received the product and by asking them to remove it from store shelves.”

Both manufacturers said that consumers who are concerned about their canned tuna can simply dispose of the product by throwing it away. However, both companies have phone numbers to address questions and concerns regarding the recall. Bumble Bee Foods recall or reimbursement hotline is a 24-hour dedicated line at (888) 820-1947. Tri-Union Seafoods 24-hour dedicated recall phone number is (800) 597-5898.

The FDA website also has a page dedicated to the recall, to answer further consumer questions.

Defective Products Recall Notices Are One Step to Ensure Consumer Safety

To protect yourself and your family, it’s important to know what products have been recalled because they are defective or unsafe. Federal agencies such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the CPSC (U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission) frequently issue recalls for medical devices, drugs, and products that may be harmful to consumers.

Every year, thousands of consumers sustain serious injuries from defective products. A defective product lawyer can help you with an injury you may receive. Many of these injuries could be avoided if the manufacturers or distributors of these products took additional steps to ensure consumer safety. Defective products that commonly cause injuries include medical devices, pharmaceutical products, and other defective products such as toys, cars and automotive parts.

There are a number of reasons that defective products make it to our shelves:

  • Defective manufacturing
  • Inadequate testing
  • Design defects
  • Marketing Misrepresentation

The Strom Law Firm Protects Citizens Harmed by Delayed Defective Product Recalls

The attorneys at the Strom Law Firm keep a close watch on recalls of dangerous and defective products in the US. We aim to protect our clients’ health and safety, and hold manufacturers to the highest possible standard of safety. Health recalls are especially important because defective drugs and medical devices, like generic Wellbutrinprescription painkillersGranuflo and NaturalyteActos, and transvaginal mesh can cause serious harm and even death.

If you or a loved one have experienced severe, life-limiting side effects from a defective product or drugand believe that your pain stems from a health recall that came too late, you may be entitled to compensation. The Strom Law Firm can help. We offer free, confidential consultations to discuss the facts of your case, so contact ustoday. 803.252.4800.



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