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Tips for Avoiding a DUI on New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is almost here, and that means drinking, parties, celebration, and drinking some more. If getting behind the wheel after a few beers and a champagne toast is your style, be prepared to deal with the multitude of cops out there to catch you.

With office parties, holiday get-togethers thrown by friends and family, and bowl games upon us, the opportunities to consume alcohol seem nearly endless this time of the year.  Add factors such as poor driving conditions due to winter weather, shorter daytime driving hours and other holiday season driving distractions, and you have all the ingredients of a potential tragedy on the road.

Select A Designated Driver.

Make sure to choose someone who promises not to drink and who will make sure that all passengers buckle up.

Take A Cab or Public Transportation.

If you’re traveling alone or with just one other person, consider taking a cab or public transportation to and from your holiday event. If you have a large group, consider splitting the cost of a party bus or limo that is able to carry large amounts of people. This way, you can still enjoy a good time with all of you friends for a reasonable price without having the added hassle of figuring out who is going to drive.

Hosting The Holiday Party.

If you host a holiday party, either at your home or at your workplace, make sure to offer your guests a cab ride to get home, if they need it. Also, offer non-alcoholic beverages to your guests for those who do not drink or are planning on being the designated driver – as well as food to offset alcohol intake.

Put Down The Cell Phone.

Even if you’ve only had one glass of wine or one beer, alcohol in any quantity can impair. Avoid adding to the situation with distractions such as talking on your cell phone or texting, which takes your eyes off the road and could potentially get you pulled over.

The Strom Law Firm, LLC wishes you and your family a safe and relaxing Holiday season.  Have questions?  Call us today for a free consultation.  803.252.4800



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