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Auto Accident Victim Information: What You Need to Know

Auto Accident Victim Information: What You Need to Know

If you were involved in an auto accident, it is important to know how to interact with the other party involved and what steps to take next.

One essential element of auto accident law is the determination of fault. Fault is assigned based on the actions of the drivers and traffic laws, and can be assigned to just one driver or divided between both parties. The at-fault driver will generally be responsible for any repair costs, medical bills, and other damages that were caused by the accident. When drivers are both partially responsible for the accident, comparative negligence is considered, assigning a percentage of fault to both parties and assigning damages proportional to the degree of responsibility for the accident.

Determination of fault will take place based on the facts of the case and the specific traffic laws that affect the circumstances at hand. Even though you may feel, or think you were at fault for the accident, traffic laws and the actions of the other driver may exonerate you. Determination of fault should be established objectively by both insurance companies, attorneys, and authorities after learning all the facts of the case. It is crucial that you speak with a Car Accident Attorney as soon as possible.

At times, insurance companies may try to rush you into explaining your perspective of the accident, disclose the extent of treatments you are receiving, or strongly request that you provide a statement. Before speaking with insurance companies, it is important to contact an attorney and retain and advocate to work on your behalf.

Auto Accident Victim Information: What You Need to Know




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