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Colorado Campaigns Against DUID from Marijuana

“Stoned Driving” Campaign Warns About DUID

DUIDColorado recently passed legislation legalizing recreational marijuana use. However, the legislation has increased DUI charges as drivers are being pulled over for driving under the influence of marijuana.

To help combat the problem, the Colorado Department of Transportation released the “Drive High, Get a DUI” campaign on Thursday, March 6th. The series of ads take a humorous spin on the situation, showing spacey marijuana users behind the wheel, flaking out on easy, everyday tasks.

One of the anti-DUI ads shows a basketball player at the foul line in a playground, endlessly dribbling while his teammates wait in frustration for his teammate to remember to shoot the ball. Another ad features a backyard griller trying to turn on his gas grill, but the propane tank is missing. After many futile attempts, a woman on the back deck rolls her eyes. “Grilling high is now legal. Driving to get the propane you forgot isn’t,” the ad concludes.

Enforcement is very important when it comes to impaired driving, but education is equally important,” said Bob Ticer, police chief in Avon and chairman of Colorado’s Interagency Task Force on Drunk Driving.

Colorado began keeping track of marijuana-related DUIs in January of this year, when retail sales of pot began. In just two months, the state has recorded 61  total drivers impaired by any drugs or alcohol, with 31 of those coming from marijuana-related DUI alone.

Washington State, the only other state in the US to legalize recreational marijuana use, reported 1,300 drivers test positive for marijuana in DUI arrests – about 25% more than last year. While there has been no corresponding increase in car accidents, 720 of the DUID arrests had marijuana levels high enough to lead to an automatic DUID conviction.

Colorado’s anti-DUID campaign begins on March 10th.

South Carolina Laws Regarding DUI for Drugs

In South Carolina, you can be charged with driving under the influence (DUI) of prescribed or over-the counter drugs or medication in addition to driving while under the influence of illicit drugs. States are under pressure to tighten laws for convicting DUIDs and set clear legal definitions. For now, DUID lawyers may have more opportunities for reducing and expunging driving under the influence of drug charges. Note: A DUID that involved illicit drugs may have other criminal drug charges attached.

Although South Carolina legislators are discussing laws to legalize medical marijuana use, currently the state does not allow any type of marijuana use, and will criminally charge users.

The penalties for a conviction of driving under the influence of drugs are identical to the consequences of a DUI conviction in South Carolina.

If you are pulled for driving under the influence of prescription drugs or medication, you may be asked to submit to a screening test in which your urine is screened for the presence of drugs.

Circumstantial evidence may be used to prove that you were driving under the influence of drugs including how you were driving, how you appeared when you were pulled over, the recording of your field sobriety test, any chemical test results, as well as expert testimony.

The Strom Law Firm Can Help with DUI Charges

If you face DUI charges, whether it is your first charge, or felony DUI, you could feel alone and afraid. Just because you have received DUI charges does not automatically mean that you are guilty. The attorneys at the Strom Law Firm have helped people who face DUI charges since 1996. We offer free, confidential consultations so you can discuss the facts of your case with impunity. Contact us for help today. 803.252.4800



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