Experienced and Aggressive South Carolina Computer Crimes Defense Lawyers
Being accused of a federal computer crime is a serious charge that can lead to consequences; however, it does not mean that you are guilty or that you do not have any defenses. It does mean that you need an experienced criminal defense attorney who understands what is at stake and will aggressively protect your rights.
Centrally located in Columbia, South Carolina, our firm has been serving clients for over 15 years. Founded by former U.S. Attorney and assistant solicitor, Pete Strom, our experienced criminal defense attorneys include a former public defender, and a former Assistant Attorney General and Richland County Assistant Solicitor, as well as a tax lawyer familiar with IRS investigations. Our experience and familiarity with prosecutorial techniques provide the basis for experienced and effective legal representation. We will fight hard to have your charges reduced, or even dismissed.
In the the age of digital technology, computer crimes are a rising focus of federal law enforcement. Federal offenses include:
- Identity theft
- Possession or distribution of child pornography
- Hacking including obtaining unauthorized access to email and/or transferring such information for personal use.
- Online/ internet solicitation of a minor
- Credit card fraud
- Bank or wire fraud
These allegations are serious and can ruin your personal and professional reputation and your livelihood.
The penalties for internet crime conviction are severe and can include jail time, hefty fines, as well as lifetime registration on the sex offender registratry.
Contact the internet crime defense attorneys at the Strom Law Firm, LLCtoday for a free consultation to discuss the facts of your case, possible defenses, and to see if we can help get your charges reduced or dismissed.