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Drug Trafficking Penalties in South Carolina

Drug Trafficking Penalties in South Carolina

Contact Our Drug Crime Defense Lawyers at the Strom Law Firm Today

Strom Law Firm, LLC was founded in 1996 by former United States Attorney and Richland County Assistant Solicitor Pete Strom. We have a team of dedicated lawyers and paralegals who will fight for your rights. We work with a robust roster of investigators, experts, and research resources who can help build a strong and vigorous case on your behalf. Call today for a free consultation to discuss your drug charges. 803-252-4800

In South Carolina, it is illegal to possess, sell, or use controlled substances. Controlled substances are placed on a schedule based on the severity of the consequences their abuse carries.

Drug Trafficking is one of several possible state drug charges. Simple Possession, Possession With Intent to Distribute, Distribution, and Manufacturing are other drug charges commonly related to Drug Trafficking, all of which carry different sentences and repercussions.

Drug Trafficking is a felony charge that carries sentences based on the amount and type of drug trafficked. Generally, higher quantities of drugs and drugs on more serious schedules carry higher sentences. Drug Trafficking carries the following consequences, usually without the possibility of suspended sentences:

  1. Marijuana

    1. 10-100lbs: 1-10yrs, $1,000; 5-20yrs, $15,000; 25yrs, $25,000
    2. 100-2,000lbs: 25yrs, $25,000
    3. 2,000-10,000lbs: 25yrs, $50,000
    4. >10,000lbs: 25-30yrs, $200,000
  2. Cocaine

    1. 10-28g: 3-10yrs, $25,000; 5-30yrs, $50,000; 25-30yrs, $50,000
    2. 28-100g: 7-25yrs, $50,000; 7-30yrs, $50,000; 25-30, $50,000
    3. 100-200g: 25yrs, $50,000
    4. 200-400g: 25yrs, $100,000
    5. >400g: 25-30yrs, $200,000
  3. Morphine, Opium, Heroin

    1. 4-14g: 7-25yrs, $50,000; 25yrs, $100,000
    2. 14-28g: 25yrs, $200,000
    3. >28g: 25-40yrs, $200,000
  4. Methaqualone

    1. 15-150g:1-10yrs, $10,000; 25yrs, $25,000
    2. 150-1500g: 25yrs, $25,000
    3. 1500g-15kg: 25yrs, $50,000
    4. >15kg: 25-30yrs, $200,000
  5. LSD

    1. 100-400u: 3-10yrs, $20,000; 5-30yrs, $40,000; 25-30yrs, $50,000
    2. 500-1,000u: 7-25yrs, $50,000; 7-30yrs, $50,000; 25-30yrs, $50,000
    3. >1,000u: 25yrs, $100,000
  6. Flunitrazepam

    1. 1-100g:1-10yrs, $10,000; 25yrs, $25,000
    2. 100-1,000g: 25yrs, $25,000
    3. 1,000g-5kg: 25yrs, $50,000
    4. >5kg: 25-30yrs, $200,000
  7. GHA

    1. 50ml/mg: 1-10yrs, $10,000; 25yrs, $25,000
  8. MDMA

    1. 100-500u: 3-10yrs, $20,000; 5-30yrs, $50,000; 25-30yrs, $50,000
    2. 500-1,000u: 7-25yrs, $50,000; 7-30yrs, $50,000; 25-30yrs, $50,000
    3. >1,000u: 25yrs, $100,000



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